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Blog 2 - Pregnant Pupil

Tenisha Bradley • April 13, 2021

 You Are Not Alone

My period is late..............
I can't believe he said it's not his baby...........

How will I ever tell my parents?..............

What will people think of me?...........

Will I be able to finish school?...........

What am I going to do?.................

These are just a few of the questions that invade the mind of every teenage girl who has experienced teenage pregnancy.  Did she know that this could possibly occur?  Of course, but most teenagers think, "it won't happen to me since this is my first time." However, it is a well known fact that teenage pregnancy has occurred since the beginning of time.  Parents have expressed shame and disgust dealing with the fact that their child is with child.  Many parents tend to feel as though they have done something wrong or even failed as a parent.  When parents feel this way, they can be harsh, cold-hearted, and unsympathetic towards the teenager.  Now, don't get me wrong as it is not my objective to implicate that we should applaud or felicitate the teenager at a time such as this, however, the truth of the matter is that this occurrence causes feelings to develop in an unruly and ungovernable disposition in the teen and parents.  Parents let me notify you that your teenager really need you to listen to them, talk to them, and be actively engaged in their life during this time, as it is stressful and exasperating for everyone.  

Teenagers are in no way mature enough to be parents on so many different levels which include the following:
Emotionally - The teenager will not only experience hormonal changes, but also times of irritation, resentment, and acrimony.  
Mentally - The teenager's mind is still developing and learning how to adapt to semi-independence and growing up.  There are stresses associated with pregnancy that may cause depression and/or post traumatic stress disorder of taking care of another life.
Financially - There are so many expenses that come with preparing for and raising a newborn baby that will exceed the teenagers mentality,  imagination, and means to provide.  
Socially - Teenage pregnancy can lead to periods of loneliness as there may be a loss of friends and even family members who are not in conformity with the fact a teenager is having a baby.

So, it is a request that we as adults must TEACH and/or EDUCATE our young girls.  As their bodies are undergoing transformation from teenage to adult, they must be provided with valuable information that they will learn from and share with their friends.  First, we must teach them that it is OKAY to say NO when abstaining from having sex.  They should know not fall prey to peer pressure or even curiosity.  But on the opposite spectrum, if they cannot refrain from engaging in sexual activity, they should be taught about SAFE SEX practices to avoid pregnancy and acquiring sexually transmitted diseases.

Now, what about the teenage fathers?  Did you think we would forget them?  Of course not!!  We should provide them with the same teachings and education as provided to the young girls with the exception of:
Accountability - There is an urgent need on his part to face responsibility of his actions in this matter.
Support - Provide help to the mother and child by participating every step of the way.
Influence - Be a young man with integrity and a positive influence for the mother of the child, the child, and other young men.

Life does not end because a teenager becomes pregnant and there is no need for shameful and renouncing tactics.  Instead, embrace your teenager, educate them, and help prepare them for parenthood to the best of your knowledge and ability. This does not mean that you take away their parental obligation, but it means that you encourage them to believe that their education can continue, goals can still be accomplished, and success is still in their future, but just may have to be delayed because of a few obstacles.  Most of all, provide love and support to them and the new life they will bring into this world. #BloggingwiththeBradleys
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